#!/bin/bash # This script does Batch resizing of the Photographs # It requires ImageMagick.* image editing software # http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php # Author: Ruituraj A. Gandhi # Version 1.0 # Shared under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License # Program Parameters echo "Running Image enhancing & resizing script based on ImageMagik software.\n" echo "Please enter the full Source & Target directory path for Images respectively:\n" read BASE_DIR OUTPUT_DIR echo "The base directory is: ${BASE_DIR}, the output directory is: ${OUTPUT_DIR}\n" # Default base directory path where images are located DEFAULT_BASE_DIR=`pwd` # Output directory for images DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR="${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR}/Resized_Images" # Search if IMAGEMAGIK software is installed on the sytem SEARCH_IMAGEMAGIK=`rpm -qa | grep -i ImageMagick*.* | wc -l` if [ $SEARCH_IMAGEMAGIK -eq 0 ]; then echo "The ImageMagik not found on the system.\n"; echo "Program will exit. \n" else echo "Image Magik software found on the system.\n" echo "Resizing & Enhancing the images in ${BASE_DIR}.\n" if [ -z "$BASE_DIR" ]; then BASE_DIR=${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR} echo "The default base directory is: ${BASE_DIR}\n" fi if [ -z "$OUTPUT_DIR"]; then echo "Creating new output directory ${DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR}\n" mkdir ${DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR} OUTPUT_DIR=${DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR} echo "The defualt output directory is: ${OUTPUT_DIR}\n" fi cp ${BASE_DIR}/* ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ # Remove spaces from Filenames & Replace with underscore for file in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*.jpg do echo "Removing spaces for \n" ${file} mv "${file}" "`echo ${file} | sed "s/ /_/g"`" done for file in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*.jpg do echo "The image being processed is: ${file}\n" mogrify -verbose -enhance -normalize -type truecolor -resize 1600X1600 ${file} echo "Images resized to 1600X1600" done fi